Howdy pard’ner! This digital Media Kit is designed to make it crazy easy for you to tell everyone you know how awesome Kristen is. 😉 But really, we hope it makes your life easier when we do promotions together.
[This one’s a long one…]
Kristen Joy Laidig decided she was “unemployable” at the tender age of six when she started her first business making and selling pet rocks with nothing but a Sharpie® marker, gravel, and ingenuity.
A serial entrepreneur, in 2003 she turned her life-long love of writing into a full-time career teaching authors and entrepreneurs how to create books that bring them business and turning authors into successful authorpreneurs through her internationally-known brand, The Book Ninja®, which she sold in 2019 to another successful authorpreneur.
After discovering how to thrive through chronic illness and an autoimmune disorder, Kristen went on to write and publish 18 Kindle books in 18 weeks (authoring a total of over 32 books), start over 50 publishing companies, publish over 200 books and e-books, teach hundreds of webinars, coach thousands of authors from idea to published, build a livelihood from negative $300-a-month to a mid-six-figure business, start three (& eventually close two) retail stores, consult dozens of entrepreneurs, study martial arts at four different schools with three disciplines, earn her black belt in karate, get her conceal-carry license and eat way too much chocolate.
Kristen is a Certified Play Expert and Certified Master Retailer with ASTRA (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association) and in 2022 Kristen achieved her Certified Crystal Practitioner and Advanced Crystal Master licenses through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. She’s currently working on her Gemologist Certification… because, why not?
She currently manages she and her husband Tony’s business Magickal Bear where she designs jewelry, wrangles partner artists and handles all the various marketing and behind-the-scenes entrepreneurial stuff. She also creates and edits videos for their YouTube channel An Unscripted & Magical Life and travels the country digging crystals, selling at shows and teaching workshops all while living out of their RV. Occasionally she breathes.
Besides on her website here at, she can also be found building relationships on Facebook (, brainstorming business ideas any time she takes a “break” and playing with her two ragdoll kitties.
[This one’s a bit shorter…]
Kristen Joy Laidig decided she was “unemployable” at the tender age of six when she started her first business making and selling pet rocks with nothing but a Sharpie® marker, gravel, and ingenuity. She currently manages she and her husband Tony’s business Magickal Bear where she designs jewelry, wrangles partner artists and handles all the various marketing and behind-the-scenes entrepreneurial stuff. She also creates and edits videos for their YouTube channel An Unscripted & Magical Life and travels the country digging crystals, selling at shows and teaching workshops all while living out of their RV.
On her “off” time (what’s that?) she brainstorms business ideas with her awesome husband Tony and hangs out with her two ragdoll kitties. She’s even been known to sleep… occasionally. Her books can be found online at and can be ordered wherever fine books are sold.
[Byline for when you just want a little taste…]
Kristen Joy Laidig is a serial entrepreneur. She was the founder of the internationally-known brand The Book Ninja, has authored over 40 books, teaches and consults as The Casual Entrepreneur and co-owns, manages and runs the day-to-day operations at Magickal Bear, a brand of she and her husband’s larger company Interact, LLC.
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Interview Questions (Q&A)
Questions about her entrepreneurship journey:
How did you get started?
What is your biggest regret?
What single piece of advice would you give someone considering entrepreneurship?
How do you feel about female entrepreneurs?
Where can people go to learn more about you, your books, and what you do?